I sit here in my warmed office looking at the forecast for Sunday in SE
Pennsylvania - rain and snow mix. Now there is the Norristown All Brit
Swap meet to go to on Sunday AM. This is a traditional topless ride for
me. Went one year with an inch of snow on the car, still with no top. Now
- unfortunately I am rethinking my tradtions. What will I do. Put the
tonneau on and tough it out with my 18' scarf? Put the hard top on and
drive around the back of the lot, rub snow on my cheeks and pretend I
drove topless? Drive up in front and raise my finger in the air and
smile? Chicken out and not go at all, rather than face the humiliation of
going with a top on the topless car, and say the uh, er, umm stater
wouldn't work (more on this later).
Stay tuned for the answers.
At this exact moment in time 1/28/00 2:10 PM, mwalter@luminet.net made
the profound statement:
>As I sit here in Minnesota, hearing about the sub-zero weather to continue,
>I take comfort in seeing the discussions of MG get togethers in warmer
>Since the Vikings didn't make it again, I may still not watch the
>Superbowl. I think I will bundle up warmly, go out to my unheated garage,
>sit in my midget and daydream of summer.
>Think of your frozen brethren this weekend.
>Michael Walter
Larry B. Macy, Ph.D.
System Administrator/Manager
Neuropsychiatry Section
Department of Psychiatry
University of Pennsylvania
3400 Spruce St. - 1015 Gates
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Ask a question and you're a fool for three minutes; do not ask a
question and you're a fool for the rest of your life.