The generic vinyl sprays out there do work well.
Just make sure the surfaces are very clean before spraying.
The stuff actually eats into the surface of the vinyl.
I've recolored light tan arm rest for a Spitfire to match a
black interior. With a thumb nail digging into the surface
I couldn't scratch off any to see the lighter color underneath.
It has held up very well.
Paul Tegler
OBie - '73 BGT - daily driver
Punkin' - '78 Spitfire - corner ripping screamer
Lil' Greenee - '73 RWA Midget - lady killer
-----Original Message-----
From Terry Williams <t.williams at>
To: '' <>
Date: Friday, January 21, 2000 8:18 AM
Subject: Shock Bracket/Vinyl Paint
A little non-LBC weather report. 9am AST, raging snowstorm, city has
practically shut down. No office today - bring on the garage!
OK, anyone on my question regarding the RH shock bracket on the '77 Midget?
Doesn't appear to have a specific reason to be there, as the expansion tank
mounting has it's own place to mount? What's with that?
I'm awaiting arrival of a complete interior panel kit for the Midget. It's
Ochre, which most I've spoken to, to a person, has referred to it as 'baby
sh*t'. Conjures up pleasant thoughts..thing is, I bought the kit not for
it's colour, but for it's completeness (I'm missing practically every
interior panel). So, if indeed the colour is too much to bear, I plan to
use vinyl paint/dye, which I understand others have used. Answers may be in
the digest, but ifd anyone coould shed some light on products, results
etc..would be appreciated.
Terry 'Third Snowdrift from Left' Williams
Halifax, Nova Scotia