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Re: dyslexia vs. linear thinking

To: Charles Christ <cfchrist@earthlink.net>
Subject: Re: dyslexia vs. linear thinking
Date: Sat, 15 Jan 2000 11:51:51 -0500
Cc: spridgets@autox.team.net
Organization: Lucent Technologies
References: <002c01bf5f10$90decfe0$8950f4d1@USER>
Charles Christ wrote:
>   i explained that i
> had trouble memorising the exact number to be aplied to each corner in their
> sucession up the hill unless i started mentally and counted  up the hill
> each time to figure out where evryone was talikng about  when discussing a
> handling problen on a course.  but i could describe the corner in scenic and
> surface detail, yet aplied numbers of a specific turn came all to hard to
> me. now this is how road racing and hillclimbing courses are tought to
> novice drivers, in a linear pattern.  makes sense to 99% of the population
> right?

I don't drive a race car, but I am the same way with directions in general.
I seem to remember what a trip looks like, sort of turn at the corner with
the fence and the ugly red house, vs. the third stop sign.  This has served
me well (except for Frank's neighborhood where all the streets meet a some
other angle then 90 degrees, and there are assorted circles scattered about to
further confuse you).
> i am right handed when it comes to writing, but when mechanically working
> equally able right or left handed.   is this what it is like in a "right
> handed " world if you are a left handed person?  4 year old seems to be left
> handed,  wife and i are rightys.   just curious for his sake?

I write with my left hand, throw righty, eat with either hand (depends on who
is next to me), use tools with either hand, kick with both feet, and never know 
which foot to put forward.  I am also a little bit dyslexic.  It really show
up when I read out loud and in my writing.  Sometimes I transpose words when
I write or read and never see the error.  I have developed some proof reading 
techniques that find this type of error.  In school I never had any
trouble with the reading if that matters.

Not sure about the left/right brain thing.  I was lucky that I found a niche
that suits me very well.  Writing and debugging software is something I do
well.  I am usually very good at debugging other peoples code too. One other
talent I have is I can scan a manual without reading everything and pull
out just the bits of information that I need.  This a really handy skill
in the computer world.  Just another un-scientific data point.

The really interesting thing from all this seems to be a dyslexic's left or
right handedness, or lack of.  I wonder if any of the studies support this
common thread.

Bill "I have a brain, but not sure if it left/right/wrong" Gilroy
77 Midget

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