I remember something from 2nd year physical chemistry class to the effect
that; 95%(190 proof) is the purest alcohol (ethanol) that can be obtained by
distillation. It's being removed from aqueous solution, but some water
vapour will always go through and condense with the product giving about 5%
water at best. It could then be "dried" with a water absorbing but alcohol
insoluble salt...I think sodium sulfate does it.
Is denatured alcohol "methylated spirits"?
>From: DLancer7676@cs.com
>Reply-To: DLancer7676@cs.com
>To: mhanna@ball.com, IfixMGs@aol.com, pixelsmith@gerardsgarage.com,
>Subject: Re: Water temp gauge
>Date: Fri, 7 Jan 2000 06:17:03 EST
>In a message dated 1/7/00 12:32:27 AM Eastern Standard Time,
><< reagent grade as being pure and
> denatured alcohol as having water added to it. >>
>Not sure, but when I was a Pharmacy Intern in a Hospital Pharmacy we used
>use 5 gallon carboys of pure 190 proof grain alcohol in prescriptions. A
>possible source if it's the same thing?? (Nope--never drank any of it--it
>was dyed blue to keep that from happening!!! LOL)
>--David C.