while channel hopping on dec 26th at relatives home in columbia md. i
happened on the zippo vintage gp coverage from this year(?). master
speckman was spotted in the group 1 race visiting the gravel pit off a turn.
bummer i was rooting for you! wife thought i had gone into racing
withdrawl as did entire family. i didnt bother to watch any more since that
is my group. hope to get to virginia beach for the" race at the base" at
oceanna n.a.s. in early may(think 5-6-7?). might have the new 1960 saab
done for that? hey garry! come on out! you can lap me about 4-5 times
with your bugeye i figure. saabs are not known for being extremly fast,
just tons of fun and loud! hope to see the thicko crowd there.
bench racing in the off season.
allen, at least you can rally in the winter!