Thanks for the replies, (hum, stick on weights, what will they think of
next?) I guess I lead a sheltered life out here in the sticks. I figure
there is not much call for stick on weights on a Pick 'em Up Truck <G> You
can learn something new every day. As far as the racers discount (lol) I saw
that Vicky Brits offered a LSD rear some time back for over $1500 with
absolutely no warranty. It would seem that this leaves the issue of quality
control as a very gray area that makes you very dependent on the, dare I say
"honorability", of the manufacturer. Thanks again for the answers and for
increasing my very limited knowledge.........Brad
Gary Speckman wrote:
> At 07:17 AM 12/4/99 -0600, Brad Fornal wrote:
> >BTW, REASON #4: Competition use. Does that rule out the courses that
> >are set up at club meets?
> Brad,
> Frank covered the wheel weight issue. I'll cover the Competition issue.
> NOTHING one buys for competition use has a warranty.
> (And it ALL costs twice as much.) Thats called the "Racers Discount".
> Gar