Iv'e had a number of people ask me for my wiper wiring details, so I'll go on an
exploratory expedition under my dash to see if I can work it all out again and
back to you.
Eriks Skinkis wrote:
> Ric,
> I went through the exercise of trying to wire up a two speed motor to a two
> position switch late last year. I did mamage to get both speeds and auto
> parking to work. I don't have the exact wiring details I came up with me, but
> do remember the auto parking was the biggest headache to figure out.
> What I found was that the auto park wire on the wiper motor could only be
> connected to power when the slow and medium wires were off. When you supplied
> power to either slow or fast, you had to disconnect power from the auto park
> lead otherwise there was a certain point in the wiper motors cycle where auto
> park lead temporarily shorted to ground. I would imagine that if you left it
> permanently connected the auto park swithch/mechanism inside the wiper motor
> would eventually destroy itself.
> If you study a wiring diagram for a later model Midget you'll see that the
> contacts in the two speed on/off switches do disconnect the power to the auto
> park the moment the switch is turned to slow or fast.
> In my case I was using a cheap off/on/on toggle switch and the only way I
> get the auto park to work was to wire in a relay to disconected power to the
> auto park wire and remain disconnected when I turn my wipers on to both the
> slow and fast speeds.
> Sorry I couln't tell you which wires exactly to connect, but I hope I've given
> you an idea of what needs to happen. If you need any further details, let me
> know and I'll have to crawl up inside my dashboard to work out how I
> wired it up.
> Cheers,
> Eriks Skinkis
> Sydney, Australia
> Ric Otte wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I just put a later wiper motor in my Sprite Mk II (because I put in a dual
> > line brake system and my old one wouldn't fit). But something is not
> > right, and I'm wondering if I've got it wired correctly. For one thing,
> > the wipers stop as soon as I turn the switch off, and they don't return to
> > the bottom. My car's wiring harness has a green and two blacks that hooked
> > onto the old wiper motor. The new motor has a plastic connecter, with 5
> > male pins in the following configuration:
> >
> > 1
> > 2 3
> > 4 5
> >
> > Does anybody know which wire goes where? It looks to me as if there are 3
> > wires coming off of this plastic connector into the motor (Right now I
> > forget which colors they are). I think the new motor is a dual speed motor
> > and I only have a single switch, so I'm sure I won't use all the pins.
> >
> > Another question I have is how much drag should be on the cable in the
> > housing. I put a lot of wheel bearing grease on the cable before
> > installing it into the sleeve, but it doesn't seem to slide very easily. I
> > also hear the cable grinding against the sleeve (metal on metal) which
> > worries me. I had to make some bends in the sleeve to avoid the hood
> > hinge, but I didn't think this would cause the problems. So how little
> > friction should there be?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Ric