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Re: A Brit passes

To: Larry Macy <macy@bblmail.psycha.upenn.edu>, "Bryan Vandiver" <Bryan.Vandiver@Eng.Sun.COM>, "Spridgets" <spridgets@autox.team.net>, <millerls@ado13.com>
Subject: Re: A Brit passes
From: Albert F Jones <fisher@hctc.net>
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 1999 13:37:55 -0500
In-reply-to: <199908121700.NAA08796@bblmail.psycha.upenn.edu>
Reply-to: Albert F Jones <fisher@hctc.net>
Sender: owner-spridgets@autox.team.net


At 01:00 PM 8/12/99 -0400, Larry Macy wrote:
>Ya mean the last time was over 3 yaers ago?  :-0
>At this time 8/12/99 12:14, Bryan.Vandiver@Eng.Sun.COM made the profound 
>>The first term that through me off was 'a full monty breakfast'.
>>I think the last time I had one of those, it resulted in the 2.5 year old 
>>toddler that's 
>>running around the house;-)
>> - Bryan
>>>X-Sender: fisher@hctc.net
>>>To: Bryan Vandiver <Bryan.Vandiver@eng.sun.com>, spridgets@autox.team.net, 
>>>Subject: Re: A Brit passes
>>>Mime-Version: 1.0
>>>Hello Bryan,
>>>     Is it the spurs or the dining table you weren't sure about?
>>>At 04:07 PM 8/11/99 -0700, Bryan Vandiver wrote:
>>>>I'm not quite sure what to make of this tread, so I think I'll just keep
>>>my mouth shut 
>>>>for the time being ;-)
>>>>Oh well, back to work!
>>>> - Bryan Vandiver  (59 bugeye)
>>>> San Jose, CA
>>>>>To: <spridgets@autox.team.net>, "Albert F Jones" <fisher@hctc.net>
>>>>>Subject: Re: A Brit passes
>>>>>MIME-Version: 1.0 charset="iso-8859-1"
>>>>>X-Priority: 3
>>>>>X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
>>>>>X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.00.2314.1300
>>>>>I'm afraid that would make the name of your town a little less apt.
>>>>>Larry Miller
>>>>>Never pee on an electric fence, and never squat with your spurs on.
>>>>>----- Original Message -----
>>>>>From: Albert F Jones <fisher@hctc.net>
>>>>>To: Larry Miller <millerls@ado13.com>; <spridgets@autox.team.net>
>>>>>Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 1999 3:36 PM
>>>>>Subject: Re: A Brit passes
>>>>>> Hello Larry,
>>>>>> You could always drop by for breakfast one morning, but Fisher says
>>>>>> you aren't getting into his bed with him ......... I guess that only
>>>>>> the kitchen table!!
>>>>>> Elizabeth
>>>>>> At 03:34 PM 8/11/99 -0700, Larry Miller wrote:
>>>>>> >Elizabeth,
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >If you ever decide to dump Mr. Jones, please give me a call....
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >Larry Miller
>>>>>> >http://www.ado13.com
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >----- Original Message -----
>>>>>> >From: Albert F Jones <fisher@hctc.net>
>>>>>> >To: <Ajhsys@aol.com>; <british-cars@autox.team.net>;
>>>>>> ><spridgets@autox.team.net>
>>>>>> >Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 1999 3:14 PM
>>>>>> >Subject: Re: A Brit passes
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >*
>>>>>> >> >Granted, the phrase "good cooking" and England rarely find
>>>>>> >the
>>>>>> >> >same sentence, but Two Fat Ladies did some marvelous recipes,
such as
>>>>>> >> "Bubble
>>>>>> >> >and Squeak" and they never spared the butter!
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >*
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >>  I may well be a little late in replying, but I can't keep my tongue
>>>>>> >> between my teeth (or my fingers from the keyboard).  My husband,
of 61
>>>>>> >> years of age, hasn't eaten half so well as he does now - he even
>>>>>> >> full monty breakfast served to him in bed each and every morning.
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >> Elizabeth Jones (Ex Pat. Brit)
>>>>>> >> Comfort, TX
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >> P.S. I also enjoyed their show, and the common sense food.
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >> At 01:05 PM 8/11/99 EDT, Ajhsys@aol.com wrote:
>>>>>> >> >Let's raise a glass to honor the passing of Jennifer Paterson on
>>>>>> >> >August 10, 1999.  She was co-star of the popular cooking show "Two 
>>>>>> >> >Ladies" which was produced in England.  She and her co-host,
>>>>>> >> Dickson
>>>>>> >> >Wright, rode around the countryside in a classic Triumph motorcycle
>>>>>> >a
>>>>>> >> >sidecar.
>>>>>> >> >
>>>>>> >> >To me, the show brought back memories of my visit to England.  The
>>>>>> >ambiance
>>>>>> >> >of the production, which was usually in some historic old kitchen, 
>>>>>> >the
>>>>>> >> >beautiful accents of the hosts, surely make it the favorite cooking
>>>>>> >of
>>>>>> >> >all lovers of LBCs.
>>>>>> >> >
>>>>>> >> >Granted, the phrase "good cooking" and England rarely find
>>>>>> >the
>>>>>> >> >same sentence, but Two Fat Ladies did some marvelous recipes,
such as
>>>>>> >> "Bubble
>>>>>> >> >and Squeak" and they never spared the butter!
>>>>>> >> >
>>>>>> >> >The Food Network will be airing a special on Sunday, August 15,
>>>>>> >to
>>>>>> >> >11:00 p.m. ET.  If you haven't seen this show, be sure to tune in.
>>>>>> >> >
>>>>>> >> >Allen Hefner
>>>>>> >> >'77 Midget
>>>>>> >> >'92 Mitsubishi Expo LRV Sport
>>>>>> >> >
>>>>>> >> >
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>Larry B. Macy, Ph.D.
>System Administrator/Manager
>Neuropsychiatry Section
>Department of Psychiatry
>University of Pennsylvania
>3400 Spruce St. - 1015 Gates
>Philadelphia, PA 19104

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