This was sent to my website. Does anyone have the time to answer this guy?
I'm kinda busy and I'm sure that there are some listers that could explain
this a lot better than I could.
>Date: Sun, 08 Aug 1999 15:00:30 -0700
>From: Tim Luenberger <whtdrgn@centerville.net>
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>To: lbcs@woozy.com
>Subject: MG Midget
>I am looking into buing a 73 midget but the guy i am buying it from took
>the distributor off and doesn't know how to put it on or adjust the
>timing could you tell me how to put it in and how to adjust the timing
>when i do my e-mail address is whtdrgn@centerville.net
> Thanks Stephen