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Re: Weekend driving + Midget question

To: Peggy Bohler <pbohler@wenet.net>
Subject: Re: Weekend driving + Midget question
From: Swift Justice <samesq@pacbell.net>
Date: Sun, 23 May 1999 23:04:31 -0700
Cc: spridgets@autox.team.net
Organization: CONTROL (the forces of niceness & goodness)
References: <>
Reply-to: Swift Justice <samesq@pacbell.net>
Sender: owner-spridgets@autox.team.net
Peggy Bohler wrote:

> Hey Spridgeteers!
> Is that Midget back on the road yet, Steve?

Unfortunately no.  Here's what I've done:

Took apart the fuse box completely, cleaned all contacts and replaced all
Checked ground and positive cables
Hooked up 12v test light to battery. (It's all I have, no voltmeter)  tester
still lights off of battery, lights when touched to ignition switch relay.

I believe that the prince of darkness had struck and that the generator has
gone to meet Sir Lucas, causing me to run off of battery power and draining it
so low that it won't even jump or provide even weak juice for the lights, etc.
The battery is only about a year old and was disconnected with the cut off
switch about half that time anyway.

Was going to put in a new battery to test this out but as we all know the space
behind the old heater box is pretty small and I do not have another battery to
fit - going to have to remove the heater box.  It's o.k.  It was slated to come
out anyway and was one of my last things to paint in the engine compartment
before the car goes up for sale this summer.

|   Steve McGee,
|   Atty. at large
|   samesq@pacbell.net
|   Spridget page http://home.pacbell.net/samesq/links.html
|   Mopar page http://home.pacbell.net/samesq/mopar.html

    "Only if you are unafraid of the truth will you ever find it."

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