According to T. Horler (pg. 111), there were a total of 48,287 Round-Arch
Midgets, 71-74. Of those only 37,802 came to North America. In comparison, a
total of 48,987 Bugeye's were produced; 36,247 were "LHD Export" (T.H. pg. 43).
WFO Herb
Keep the sticky side down!
Nory P wrote:
> Phil said:
> >(BTW, If round-arch cars are so
> >valuable - I know a solid $2k runner
> >in Minnesota looking for a home.)
> I was wondering when someone was going to comment on that! Actual production
>numbers show that there were over 27,000 less rubber bumpered Midgets made
>than round arch Midgets (72,185 vs 99,896). So we'd better also snap up all
>those cheap rubber bumper cars, restore them to original, and make a fortune
>selling these rarities!
> In other words, round arch cars are plentiful and can be had pretty cheap.
>Do whatever you want to it - It's your car, and you're not exactly trashing a
>museum piece here.<BR>
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> Don't assume that because you have found one problem, you have found the ONLY
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