Hi Mikkel,
welcome to the list.
I would expect that a '70 model has an alternator but I know that with a
generator at idle, it's ruuning too slow to produce any significant power
thus the red ignition light comes on. This light coming on is analogous to
the ammeter reading on the d/- side as it (gen) is not putting out as much
current as the ignition system is consuming. I thought that alternators did
their thing even at low revs but maybe its not quite enough to offset the
consumption. Is it swinging way over to the -ve side? coz I don't think that
that would be normal, but a little to the -ve is not to worry about IMHO.
If I'm wrong it wont take long for the sparkies to correct me.
>From: Mikkel Pedersb�k <mikkel@isa.dknet.dk>
>Reply-To: Mikkel Pedersb�k <mikkel@isa.dknet.dk>
>To: spridgets@autox.team.net
>Subject: AMP vs Volt meter
>Date: Thu, 20 May 1999 09:01:00 +0200
>Hello All,
>I am new to the list, and dont know if You have been discussing this
>before, but I hope You can help me.
>I have a Midget MKIII LHD from 1970. It seems to be very standard execpt
>from the AMP meter. I have been watching when I drive and it gives off some
>reading I can not understand.
>From coldstart and 5-10 minutes it gives a major sving to the positive
>side. This I consider normal since it need to charge the battery.
>With a running engine the AMP meter stays at 0 and only moves to the
>negative side when the light or the blinkers are activated. This should
>also be normal.
>But when running at idle it moves to the negative side, even when no lights
>are on. I dont know much about this but should the AMP meter not be a 0
>when running at idle and just on the positive side when driving.
>Am I interpreting these readings the wrong way ?
>I have been thinking of changing the AMP meter to a Volt meter, is this a
>good thing to do ?
>Mikkel Pedersb�k
>�gade 106, st. tv. Phone: +45 35249911
>DK-2200 Copenhagen N E-mail:
>Don't let so much reality into your life that there's no room left for