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Too many Herbs

To: spridgets@autox.team.net
Subject: Too many Herbs
From: Herb_Goede@amsinc.com
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1999 12:22:20 -0600
Reply-to: Herb_Goede@amsinc.com
Sender: owner-spridgets@autox.team.net

Although often maligned, the name Herbert is one of great renown -
especially in the field of LBCs.  Where would we all be without Herbert
Austin.  Unlike the Johns, Steves and Marks of the world (also fine names)
due to our rarity Herbs are not accustomed to qualifying which Herb we are.
Clearly in this case it is time we start.

I understand that we have three Herberts on this list.  Being that the
other two are very knowledgeable LBC guys, the confusion has not been a
concern to me until recently.   However, ever since this thread about
wearing short, tight skirts and high heels while driving a spridget has
come up, I feel the need to distance myself.  (The last, and only, time I
recall having donned a skirt was when I was a cheerleader for my high
school's powder puff football game.  No heels. This felt all right to me
because the head cheerleader was wearing most of my football uniform.  No

I recommend that in the future all Herbs participating in this list go by
and are addressed by either their initials (in my case HJG) or Herb
followed by their last initial (in my case Herb G.)  This will prevent any
further confusion.  (It seems that some of us are already experiencing
enough confusion.)

Herb G.

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