Hello Spridgeteers:
I got this message via the MG enthusiasts web site. Tony is not on the
list, so please make sure you include him in any replies. He lives near me
so I plan to head over and take a look at it, but I want any advice I can
get. What do we suppose this is? What's a good plan of attack?
Phil Vanner
Mk1 Midget
-----Original Message-----
From: Superuser [SMTP:root@vouvray.ipl.co.uk]
Sent: Friday, April 23, 1999 4:24 PM
To: pvanner@pclink.com
Subject: MG Ownership Message
This email was created at 21:23 GMT on Apr 23 1999 from the MG Enthusiasts
Web Site at http://www.british-cars.org.uk/kimber
Member tmason who is Mr. Tony Mason sent the following
message to you:
Dear MG Enthusiast,
Hi Phil,
I am feverishly trying to get my '74 Midget on the road after about five
years of being garaged. I am having some trouble getting the clutch to
work. I've tried bleeding the system and that hasn't worked but I can't
think of anything else it could be. Te car was driveable before the
teardown. The only thing I did with the clutch was replace the throwout
bearing and overhaul the master and slave cylinders. Have you heard of any
hints? I'm local if you get this message. My phone # is 651-xxx-xxxx
Yours octagonally,
Mr. Tony Mason
email: tmason@Trane.com
At present this form of messaging is not moderated and is intended to be
used by members of the MG Enthusiasts' Club. If you find that this
is being abused and people are sending junk mail or using this channel for
advertising please contact Mike Plumstead. Email: mxp@mgcars.org.uk