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Re: I more space

To: Mark Endicott <endicott@nashville.com>
Subject: Re: I more space
From: Swift Justice <samesq@pacbell.net>
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 1999 19:59:03 -0700
Cc: Spridgets <spridgets@autox.team.net>
Organization: CONTROL (the forces of niceness & goodness)
References: <371D1ADB.C93CFAC@nashville.com>
Reply-to: Swift Justice <samesq@pacbell.net>
Sender: owner-spridgets@autox.team.net
Mark Endicott wrote:

> Spridgeteers:
> I need to relocate the washer bottle that is next to the firewall on
> my Midget.  I was looking at the Moss Catalog and I see that later
> 1500 Midgets have a washer bag instead of the bottle.

    Actually there is a bag and a tank on late models, and the very late
models took the tank and used it as a radiator overflow tank and used the
bag for washer fluid.  The tank was used on earlier models as the washer
fluid tank before they came up with the bag idea.  The tank is a white
plastic afair that has a v bottom - It fits in the engine compartment in
the area formed by the wheel wells just behind the front wheel on the
passenger's side where it slopes down..

    The bag is held in place by two flat metal tabs that screw into the
lip of the driver's quarter panel.  The bag has metal grommets that fit
over the tabs.  It kind of hangs down somewhat into the black hole area
between the outer fender and the inner footwell wall.  If you have
Original Sprite Midget you can see a picture on page 125, with the tank
just visible on the left by the air cleaner and the top of the bag just
visible on the right by the coil.

    If It were me, I'd skip the bag and go for the v shaped tank.  It is
much more solid than the bag, less likely to wear out, Holds more, I
believe, and is generally in a better location and out of the way of the
wiper motor, etc.

|   Steve McGee,
|   Atty. at large
|   samesq@pacbell.net
|   Spridget page http://home.pacbell.net/samesq/links.html
|   Mopar page http://home.pacbell.net/samesq/mopar.html

    "Only if you are unafraid of the truth will you ever find it."

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