There are no covers to pull on the Optima. This battery while not a true dry
cell is constructed with dry cell technology and is completely sealed.
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, April 03, 1999 12:56 AM
Subject: RE: laugh if you want ...
> << Bob said: " Second is that even "sealed" batteries vent some gas which
> also acid. ">>
> << Larry said: It has been my experience that the Optima does not vent any
> gas >>
> Larry,
> Am not familiar with the Optima. I was referring to the "sealed or no
> service" batteries that still have covers over the cells. I think these
> covers are intended to condense the vapors back to fluid which then drops
> back into the battery. While they work very well there are still some
> that escape which are a problem. At least according to our auto electric
> service person you should pull the covers on these batteries about once a
> year to make sure the fluid levels are alright. In theory you are not
> suppose to have to do any service on these types of batteries. I just
> recently pulled the covers on our one year old "no service" house
> on the RV and could see the tops of the battery plates. So much for no
> service / sealed batteries.
> Bob