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Re: 5 speed

To: spridgets@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: 5 speed
From: "Alan Inglis" <ainglis@bcresearch.com>
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 09:27:39 -0800
Reply-to: "Alan Inglis" <ainglis@bcresearch.com>
Sender: owner-spridgets@autox.team.net
What about Merkur XR4i transmissions? Are they plentiful across N.America or
limited to BC.
I believe this transmission is the same as the Ford Sierra 5-speed that
Frontline have built their kit around. And of course there are many, many
Sierras in Europe!
---------------------- Forwarded by Alan Inglis/BC Research/CA on 03/22/99 09:25
AM ---------------------------

Mark Snowdon <racer45@bellsouth.net> on 03/21/99 10:14:27 PM

Please respond to Mark Snowdon <racer45@bellsouth.net>
 To:      spridgets@autox.team.net                            
 cc:      (bcc: Alan Inglis/BC Research/CA)                   
 Subject: Re: 5 speed                                         

Nory P wrote:
> >I suspect that there will be no 210
> >trannies in junkyards soon.
> Yeah, somebody's gonna have to come up with a kit that uses something
> that's more plentiful, like an Escort or Chevette maybe    (-8
> ==
> ***The above address is for list purposes only.  Please send private e-mail,
as before, to Nory@webtv.net
> -----NORY
> http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Way/9101
> Don't assume that because you have found one problem, you have found the ONLY

Escort would not be a bad idea, but have you looked for Chevette parts
lately. They are few and far between, being in the salvage business I
know. Chevette trannys,Sunbird 2.0 L engines and 5.0 Mustang trannys are
among the hardest to find parts out there.

Mark Snowdon
Junkman by trade

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