Now you can own & drive one of the fastest Sprites in VARA. This fast,
beautifully prepared, racecar comes complete, ready to race, with many
spares. This car has documented race history back to 1965 & all log books.
It has the original steel bonnet and a genuine, 1966 Joe Huffaker, Sr.
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in the Speedwell catalog is on this extensively prepared, fully developed,
racing vehicle! Over $40,000.00 invested, it can be yours for $20,000.00
310/450-1287 Bud Byrnes CA
-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Church <jchurch@exis.net>
To: Daniel Thompson <dthompso@total.net>; spridgets@Autox.Team.Net
Date: Thursday, November 19, 1998 6:28 PM
Subject: Re: questions about Sebring Sprites (boring if you don't care about
historical stuff
>Speaking of Sebrings - check out the one on this page (several other photos
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Daniel Thompson <dthompso@total.net>
>To: spridgets@autox.team.net <spridgets@autox.team.net>
>Date: Wednesday, November 18, 1998 4:53 PM
>Subject: questions about Sebring Sprites (boring if you don't care about
>historical stuff
>>I have several questions about the "Sebring" sprites which are pictured
>>on Larry Miller's web site (thanks Larry):
>>One: can anybody identify the brand of wheels son the red car? The
>>reason I ask is because I actually have a set of these in mint condition
>>which I bought from Don Orosco in California. He didn't know who the
>>manufacturer was either. They are magnesium, very light, 13x5", and are
>>period from the early 60's. And no, they are not minilights!
>>Two: who is the owner of the white "Sebring" Sprite in the picture from
>>Sprite Rush. I would like to know the history of the car. If you look
>>closely, you can see that it and the red car are not the same at all. In
>>actual fact, neither of them are real "Sebring" Sprites. Those were
>>either made by the Factory or John Sprinzel himself. Sprinzel's version
>>had coup� bodywork and a different bonnet. There are only six of these
>>originals: PMO 200, 410 EAO, WJB 707, D 20, S 221 and one which has been
>>lost. These original cars had a fiberglass bonnet with aluminum coup�
>>roof, rear panels, and doors. Many companies subsequently made copies of
>>these original Sprinzel designed and built cars, mainly Peel Motors and
>>Wilson-Spratt Motors (WSM).
>>Three: does anyone know of any other "Sebring" Sprites or any other
>>close variants hanging around?
>>More later,
>>Daniel T.