I like it!
And I'll sign my name to it. Or should I sign Daniel T's name to it?
(what's with that?)
Daniel Thompson wrote:
> carolien coulter wrote:
> >
> > hi everyone.
> > I hate to brake the "connections"string, but since I have never done
> > anything stupid <g>,I have no choice but change the subject. Just kidding,
> > however I do need everybody's ( or at least honest) opinion. I was thinking
> > of getting a personalized license plate. Since I am from Holland, I was
> > thinking about " kikkeroog" (which means frogeye in Dutch). My husband was
> > luke warm on it;I'm not sure,so......Please vote-bad,ok or great. Thanks,
> > Carol '59 Bugeye.
> Carol:
> I vote great! and get a new husband while you're at it :-)
> Sincerely/yours truly forever
> Frank Clarici
Frank Clarici
Toms River, NJ
Lots of LBCs