Your memory is just fine. The original Sprite manual that came with the car
says at 12,000 mile intervals to "Give 10 strokes of the oil gun only." Now,
which oil gun they are talking about, I've never been sure. I have an
original grease gun that came with all Sprites made by Tacalemit, but I've
never tried to put 90 wt oil in it or 140 wt for that matter. 90 wt was
originally specified in the manual as steering rack lubrication. The Haynes
manual calls for 10 ounces of 140 wt gear oil after a steering rack rebuild.
After wiping off the original leak a couple of times, I now suspect the felt
washer at the top of the rack where the pinion shaft meets the steering
column. I am going to replace this felt washer with a new seal from Moss and
see what happens. I wonder if a more modern seal is available for this hole?
Mike Maclean-60 Sprite
Robert Duquette wrote:
> Message text written by Jeff Boatright
> >Mike,
> At 3:01 AM -0500 10/30/98, MIKE MACLEAN wrote:
> > Any listers use 140 wt gear oil in their steering racks? I just
> > finished rebuilding mine for my restoration. New boots, damper
> > plungers, backlash checked, etc., etc. I was quite proud of the fact
> > that I figured out how to fill it with 140 wt gear oil. I just put 10
> > ounces in a manual pump oil can with a flexible tube on it against the
> ...
> > Mike MacLean-60 Sprite
> <
> Going from (poor) memory ... doesn't the manual say '10 strokes' from an
> oil filled grease gun? You have said 10 ounces. Do these equate? 10
> strokes seems like a rather unscientific measure?
> Robert D.
> '65 Sprite