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Re: Question - Carpet snaps, number and location

To: "Ulix Goettsch" <ulix@u.washington.edu>
Subject: Re: Question - Carpet snaps, number and location
From: "Ron Soave" <redlotus@spacey.net>
Date: Mon, 14 Sep 1998 16:53:47 -0400
Cc: "spridgeteers" <spridgets@Autox.Team.Net>
Reply-to: "Ron Soave" <redlotus@spacey.net>
Sender: owner-spridgets@Autox.Team.Net
> I need to buy a kit and don't know from whom, anyone else want to offer

I don't know if they're still around, but there was a place called Automat
in NY in Hicksville. I did find a phone # on the web - (516) 938-7373��.  I
bought a closeout $100 set for my old MGB that blew away the "deluxe" crap
I got from, ahem, a major retailer. They were on the expensive side, but
ask about closeouts.  They advertised in Road and Track for years back in
the days of Barbara Eden with a girl in a bikini under the ad line "Car Pet
Anyone?"  Ah, simpler times...

Good luck,

> From: Ulix Goettsch <ulix@u.washington.edu>
> To: Swift Justice <samesq@pacbell.net>
> Cc: Spridget mail list <spridgets@autox.team.net>
> Subject: Re: Question - Carpet snaps, number and location
> Date: Monday, September 14, 1998 11:26 AM
> Steve,
> sorry, no answers from me.
> I just wanted to ask, how do you like the Moss carpet kit?
> How is the quality of the carpet, stitching, etc.?

> an opinion?  I guess I should ask about fit too...
> Thanks, Ulix
> On Sun, 13 Sep 1998, Swift Justice wrote:
> >     I finally pulled out the moss carpet kit and laid it out on the
> > garage floor to see how the pieces would go into the car.  The DPO had
> > put in an ultra cheap black carpet, had glued it down, then screwed
> > of the snaps back in on top of the carpet, screwed some in
> > with washers (the type used to hold the radio console in) and omitted
> > others completely.
> > (I had always wondered what kind of funky tonneau cover would snap to
> > the floor)
> > 
> >     At my best count I have determined the following:
> > 
> > 1.    There should be four snaps in each footwell.
> > 2.    There are two snaps on the floor in front of each seat
> > 3.    There is a snap on the trans tunnel in front of the shifter near
> > the floor on each side.
> > 4.    There are six(?) snaps that hold the piece on the shelf behind
> > seats.
> > 
> >     The question mark on the last point is that my car has three snaps
> > near the seats but no snaps near the rear panel, nor any holes near the
> > rear panel that I can see.  My friend's '72 definitely has 6 snaps on
> > the shelf.
> > 
> >     Can anyone verify to me these snap locations and numbers?
> > Particulary anyone with a late production car (like a '79)  The Moss
> > only came with rings for 16 snaps, by my count I will need 20.  Anyone
> > know an order number for these parts?  They do not appear in the
> > catalog.
> > 
> > Thanks listers,
> > 
> > Steve.
> > --
> > _________________
> > |   Steve McGee,
> > |   Atty. at large
> > |   samesq@pacbell.net
> > |   http://home.pacbell.net/samesq/
> > |________________
> > 
> >     "Then", said the mock turtle to Alice, "I will believe in you, if
> > you will believe in me ."
> > 
> > 
>     Ulix                                                    __/__,__     
> .......................................................... (_o____o_)....
>                                                            '67 Sprite

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