I agree with Trevor on the cleaning up the distributor. When I purchased
my car the advance weights were doing as he describes (actually a bit
worse). I disassembled the distributor and freed them up with carb cleaner
followed by an un-named rust penetrant. It has worked fine ever since.
At 12:31 AM 6/26/98 -0400, you wrote:
>Dwgwater@aol.com wrote:
>> I should have been following along more closely......so what's the chance
>> that the vacuum advance on my 70 still works?
> Probably pretty good. I have four distributors, three in cars that
>all have working advances and one in a box that doesn't. Pretty good
> My "pet freshen up" to every car I get to know is to strip, clean,
>and reassemble the dizzy. A lot of times the vacuum advance plate could
>be working but it's seized in crap. Even worse, the centrifugal
>weights are often grimy so they only move in jerks, sticking often.
> A quick blast of lubricant (let's not drag THAT thread in here
>by naming names) and assembly, and they work great. Throw in a Pertronix
>and seal it up for years.
>Trevor Boicey, Ottawa, Canada.
>tboicey@brit.ca, http://www.brit.ca/~tboicey/
>[ Seeking some miscellaneous MG parts, see the list on the web page... ]