In a message dated 18/06/98 13:26:32 GMT,
Chris writes:
<< noticed an
leak from the vacinity of the front timing cover. I have removed the radiator
and plan to go inside the cover once I borrow the right socket to remove the
crank nut.
I plan to replace the oil seal pressed into the cover and the cover gasket
Then button her back up.
Are there any other things under the cover or around the front end that I
can/should check before resealing? Also, if I do replace those items and
have the leak,
any suggestions? >>
Leak in that area may not be the crank oil seal. A common PO bodge fault is
caused by overtightening one of the pan-head screws or bolts at the bottom of
the timing chain cover (below the crank ). These go into an alloy "bridge"
piece at the front of the crankcase, and it is very easy to strip the thread
in this. Check they are ok, or not missing before you go any further.