Can a new aluminum waterpump on a 1275 cc go bad in less than 1500
Just did a complete 'cooling system' makeover no more than 1500 miles
ago. Waterpump, all hoses, 180 deg thermo, thermo housing, new fan
belt..... the works.(No TEXAS cooler...Yet!) Started to get a gradual
heating this weekend and got to 212 deg on the gauge in about 20
minutes of driving.
While checking the 'fried tach cable problem' and pulling the
generator off for testing, I thought "WHILE I WAS AT IT" (You all are
so right about this one) I'd drain the radiator and pull the thermo
out and see if it was working. Put it in some heating water on the
stove and it worked fine. Grabbed the fan and tried to wobble the
waterpump but it was solid with no wobble and no leaks were visible.
Can the waterpump be bad even when solid? I'd hate to pull the
radiator and all to find a good waterpump. Any other areas I should
check first that may cause gradual overheating?
Thanks listers, you all are great.