Grant wrote:
> Question:
> Is there a compelling reason to favour an alternator (lucus) over a
> generator?
> And if not, is it a simple retro conversion back to a generator on a car
> designed for an alternator?
> Appreciate any comments....glenn
It is not a simple revert situation.
You will need a regulator and some serius wiring.
Try a Mitsubitchty alternator (used) just get one with a "V" belt pulley not the
newer wide fan belts.
A friend of my son just did this to his MGB, he was tired of buying Lucas
$25 from a junk yard, a slightly different bracket and he was on his way in
about 15 minutes.
His Lucas Alt had 3 wires, we eliminated 1 (wired it like my Sprite with a jap
alt) and it has been fine.
Just a thought