Soaked it in penetrant, then hit it with an air wrench. Won a six of Bass
Ale from the guy I'm doing the engine with who never thought that would do
it (the nut just sneered at my breaker bar!).
Good luck.
> From: Matt Liggett <>
> To:
> Subject: Removing !@#!!% Crankshaft Nut
> Date: Friday, March 27, 1998 10:38 AM
> Spridgeteers,
> I am trying to get my 1275 apart in my spare time. Currently, the head
> is off and I'm trying to get the crankshaft bolt off. I have found a
> decent way to lock the crankshaft in place, but how do I remove it. I'm
> bouncing on my breaker bar and about knocking over my engine stand. Does
> anyone have any tricks? I've tried some Prolong pentrating oil. Does
> heat help?
> --
> Matt Liggett
> SysAdmin, ToolGuy, Synergy Leverager, Bon Vivant
> <> is a trap. Write to me at