"Practical Sailor" reviewed cleaners for plastic windows in the current
issue. Sailboats use vinyl windows in dodgers and other types of canvas
boat covers, very similar to a soft-top!
Products reviewed:
Beckson Plasti-care Clear Plastic Cleaner
Mer-maids Plexiglas/Plastic Cleaner & Polish
Meguiar's Mirror Glaze 10 Clear PlasticPolish, 17 Clear Plastic
Cleaner, 17 Clear Plastic Cleaner/Polish
Novus Plastic Clean & Shine, Polish No. 1, Fine Scratch
Remover, Polish No. 2, Heavy Scratch Remover, Polish No. 3
Plexus Plastic Cleaner Protectant & Polish
Star-brite Plastic Scratch Remover, Plastic Polish/Restorer
Top Choice Clear Plastic Cleaning Kit
West Marine One Step Plastic Cleaner Polish
Obviously, many of these will be available primarily through marine
PS's conclusion:
For plastics that have weathered some get the Novus products. "Novus
did the best job handling extensive scratches".
For regular maintenance and cleaning get Plexus Plastic Cleaner
Protectant & Polish. "It fills pores and fine scratches and leaves a
non-static, non-filmy protective coating. If you've got clear plastic
that's still in good shape get Plexus for regular maintenance..."
Novus, 10425 Hampshire Ave. So., Minneapolis, MN 55438; (612) 994-8000
Plexus, B.T.I. Chemical Company, 638 Lindero Canyon Rd. Agoura, CA
01301; (818) 879-1493
Note that the Plexus product was "originally developed for use on
aircraft...". I don't know what that means about where it might be
Note that I have not yet tried either of these products and have no
affiliation with anything mentioned (except for subscribing to Practical
Sailor). I will be trying them soon, though, since I have clear vinyl
on both my boat and my car!
Chas Douglass -- Seattle WA