Probably just condensation in the exhaust. If it lasts for more than 15
minutes of moderate speed driving - then maybe a head gasket or a crack.
At 06:58 AM 2/23/98 -0600, you wrote:
>Hi All,
>I am going to ask a question that probably know the answer to. After
>sitting for about 9 years after coming home from the machine shop, I
>started my engine about a month ago. Sure, the weather is cool, and I
>haven't let the engine completely warm up, but the exhaust seems to have a
>lot of steam in it. Otherwise the engine seems fine.
>Would sitting like that cause problems with the head gasket? Should it be
>torqued? Replaced? Seems odd.
>Jim Henderson
>'69 Sprite MKIV HAN9U78817G