Okay listers, I screwed up my cam timing and I need some help on how to
do it right.
Let's start off with the basics - I have a '79 1500 block, I have new
sprockets with _NO_ timing marks on them, and I have a Piper 270 cam
that I've installed.
My question is, after setting the crank so cylinders 1 and 4 are at TDC,
how do I position the cam and slip the chain on? How do I know where to
rotate it to? I can rotate the cam and watch the valves open and close,
but I don't know what valve behavior to watch for as I rotate the cam.
I appreciate any help you all can offer.
-- ___
__.o,\____ * Eric Mumford * ('v') -> BA-KUK!
/__ \ / _ ) * mumford@rpi.edu * (( ))
(+)`---(+) * http://travolta.stu.rpi.edu * --"---"--o