On Wed, 21 Jan 1998, Jeff Sharpe wrote:
> Good question about the wheels. I see what looks like an
> abnormal amount of camber on the front wheels ie: / --- \ , but
> have been going on the idea that we have to get the car to sit straight-up
> and level first. What do you make of this?
have you checked your front suspension for play in the kingpin bushes,
fulcrum pin and wheel bearings? I doubt that a little sagging would
cause very visible camber changes.
Front springs (even lower/stiffer ones) are very cheap and very easy to
change with the use of two 4 inch long bolts to lower the spring pan out
of the A-arm.
> Thanks,
> Jeff
> ----------
> > From: Eric Mumford <mumford@rpi.edu>
> > To: Jeff Sharpe <jsharpe@501studios.com>
> > Subject: Re: '79 Springs (new to list)
> > Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 22:07:46 -0500
> >
> >> car on the driver's side (at least 1.5 inches). We re-arced the
> >
> >Wow. What is it now after you re-arc'd the springs?
> >
> >Mine sags but the whole rear end sags.
> >
> >Have you tried replacing the shocks? I'd convert the whole car to tube
> >shocks as soon as youc an afford it. About $400 to $500 for the whole
> >car if you do it yourself, Frontline makes a suspension kit.
> >
> >If your springs are alright then reattaching the springs not having
> >solved the problem should tell you that your springs are gone. Have you
> >lifed the whole car to make sure your wheels hang down right?
> >
> >I have a auto shop on campus so saying that for me might be easier than
> >suggesting it to someone without access to such equipment.
> >
> >Let me know how you make out, I have a '79 and my brother has a '77. We
> >know a handful about rubber bumpered midgets. :)
> >
> >e
> >
> >-- ___
> > __.o,\____ * Eric Mumford * ('v') -> BA-KUK!
> >/__ \ / _ ) * mumford@rpi.edu * (( ))
> > (+)`---(+) * http://travolta.stu.rpi.edu * --"---"--o
Ulix __/__,__
.......................................................... (_o____o_)....
'67 Sprite