Please answer these two questions I have:
a. On a HAN8 MkIII Sprite what is the heater
intake hose attached to behind the grille? It cannot
be an air valve assembly because the air valve on this
car is between the heater and blower motor.
Terry Horler's book doesn't show this. Moss parts catalogue
shows the air intake hose and two large jubilee (or wire)
clips but it won't say what the front clip clips to!
The BMC Body Service Parts list, AKD 3514, on page BP3,
item 13, says, "Hose-blower to inlet". What is this "inlet"
exactly and where can I find it?
My car has a large hole on the front right panel with two
small holes for screws around its circumference. I cannot
possibly tie the hose clip to this, there is something
missing. What is it?
b. I need to change the needles on my HS2's. Can I do this
without removing the carbs from the intake manifold, i.e.
just by removing the dashpots, springs and pistons or
shall I make a total mess of the place with carb oil?
66 Sprite (always a puzzle!)