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Masonite, etc...

To: spridgets@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Masonite, etc...
From: Christopher Palmer <ctp@gbn.org>
Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 13:15:47 -0800
Reply-to: Christopher Palmer <ctp@gbn.org>
Sender: owner-spridgets@Autox.Team.Net
I thought this might interest the group:

Sintra is not the corrugated stuff.  It is a soft but strong solid plastic
sheet, available in various colors and thicknesses.  It's relatively
inexpensive, and is very easy to work with.  Sign shops use it because it
costs less than a lot of other sheet plastics, and they don't need a table
saw to work with it.  If you think you might have a need for it, next time
you are near a sign shop, go in and ask to see some...they'll be happy to
show it to you!

Why do they still use Masonite?

my 2�-
It's available everywhere,  it costs less than dirt (some dirt, that is)
and that's just what they've always used.  Probably takes a staple better
than Sintra, but have never tried it myself.


>Sintra?  Is that a sort of corrugated plastic sheet?  I wonder why
>masonite is used at all in the car due to it's fabulous warping
>capability.  Something plastic should be much better.
>Jim Henderson
>'69 Sprite MKIV HAN9U78817G

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