On Mon, 5 Jan 1998, Chris Nevard wrote:
> Happy Listers
> One the front dampers on my '71 Midget is just getting a tad lazy. I
> believe it can be topped up. I can't in any of my manuals find which
> grade of fluid to use. I guess I should put the car up on some axle
> stands to remove any pressure when doing this?
remove the damper, put it on your workbench and open the plug. Fill with
ATF (you could add a little seal sweller if it leaks) and pump the lever
slowly until you see no more bubbles. Refit the plug and reinstall.
I have not tried refilling one on the car, but since it is mounted at an
angle with the plug down, this might not work.
Ulix __/__,__
.......................................................... (_o____o_)....
'67 Sprite