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Re: Sprite Books

To: Phil Vanner <pvanner@pclink.com>, Spridgets@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Sprite Books
From: Frank Clarici <spritenut@Exit109.com>
Date: Sat, 22 Nov 1997 15:11:06 -0500
Organization: Positive Earth Drivers Club
References: <199711221642.KAA13637@pclink.com>
Reply-to: Frank Clarici <spritenut@Exit109.com>
Sender: owner-spridgets@Autox.Team.Net
Phil Vanner wrote:

> List:
> I have a book that came with my car that I really like and have never seen
> or heard of anywhere else.
> "Sprite, Midget, 1958-72 Autobook" by Kenneth Ball published by Autopress
> Ltd England (in 1972)  It's a hardbound vinyl-covered Haynes manual-type
> book, except that it has far more drawings than photos (some identical to
> the Haynes book), and it isn't so much a "take it apart and then put it
> back together", as it is a workshop manual.
> Anyone else got one of these?

Phil and other interested listers,

I have the same book except mine says Sprite, Midget 1958-71. (Ken Ball
Autopress LTD)
Must be a bit older then yours.
It is a good book. But I prefer the Bentley Manual probably because I bought
the Bentley book way back in 1972 with my hard earned $10.95. I still have and
use it regularly although it is kind of greasy and duct taped together.

For tunning (other then stock) David Vizzards book "Tuning A Series Engines"
is by far the best. Stapleton's book is good but more often then not he refers
to Vizzards book, why buy both? Good question, I have Stapletons book. DUH!

For general knowledge and pictures Terry Horlers "Original Sprite & Midget"
can't be beat. before this book, Clausager's Sprites & Midgets was tops.

For interesting reading I recommend Donald Healey's "My World of Cars" and
"The Healey Story" and Geoffrey Healey's "More Healeys" (old and new editions)

These books will tell you what the Healey family's favorite cars were.

I also have Frogeye Super Profile, The Sprites and Midgets by Eric Dymock,
The Haynes Manual, and some other old repair book with out any cover or first
few pages (the one in the garage) along with BMCs workshop and parts manuals.

I also have-out on lone- the "Total Restoration" book which is pretty good.

Other books in the "library" include Workshop and Parts Manuals for Autin A40
and just about everything on Minis.


Frank Clarici
Too many Sprites

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