Well, Larry and Barney were right. Valvoline 20w-50 definately gives
better oil pressure in my Midget. I tried Castrol 20w-50, Valvoline 10w-40
and Valvoline 20w-50 and the Val 20w-50 gave the best all around pressure
at idle and running. On the other hand the Valvoline 10w-40 gave the lowest
pressure readings.
These readings were taken on a warm engine after a 10 mile run:
Valvoline 20w-50 ....... ... idle = 22 psi ...............running (3000
rpm) = 35 - 40 psi
Castrol 20w-50 ................ idle = 15 psi ...............running (3000
rpm) = 30 psi
Valvoline 10w-40 ....... ... idle = 10 psi ...............running (3000
rpm) = 25 -30 psi
Thanks to Barney and Larry for the help
(yeah, I know my bearings are on their way out! :-)
Robert Weeks
Durham NC
1969 Midget