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Re: APPENDIX A: what is this?!?

Subject: Re: APPENDIX A: what is this?!?
From: Ulix Goettsch <ulix@u.washington.edu>
Date: Mon, 20 Oct 1997 12:00:26 -0700 (PDT)
Cc: "'spridgets@autox.team.net'" <spridgets@Autox.Team.Net>
In-reply-to: <344ABEDB.AC37EE3F@utk.edu>
Reply-to: Ulix Goettsch <ulix@u.washington.edu>
Sender: owner-spridgets@Autox.Team.Net
On Sun, 19 Oct 1997, Adrian wrote:

> Now that I have had a shower and a chance to cool down and my head is
> all cooled off, I just wanted to add this little note to make sure that
> nobody misinterpreted what I said in my other post as a knock on ANYbody
> or ANY car.  I like all the cars.  If I could have one from every year I
> surely would, and I could compare notes on why 19xx is better or worse
> than 19xx+-10 with whoever and whenever.  I just don't feel like coming
> home and being told that my car sucks.  :-)
> adrian

I take it all in good humor and think that the most important thing is
that everyone is happy with the car THEY own.  It would be terrible if I
was starting the restoration on a 78 Midget if I really much preferred a
62 Sprite.  I am happy with the model I own and will not become offended
if someone doesn't like it.  Discussing the advantages and disadvantages
of each others cars is fun but of course won't be (and shouldn't be)

And besides, 67 is the only good year anyway...

    Ulix                                                    __/__,__        
.......................................................... (_o____o_)....
                                                           '67 Sprite

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