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Re: [Spits] Differential front casing removal on MK3, 1970

To: Paul-Ernest L�vesque
Subject: Re: [Spits] Differential front casing removal on MK3, 1970
From: "Joe Curry" <spitlist@cox.net>
Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2008 14:16:03 -0700
If you disconnect the axle shafts from the diff and then remove the output
shafts from the diff, you can then take the front half of the differential
off of the case assembly leaving that portion attached to the frame.

The pinion shaft, carrier and crown gear assembly is all part of that front
half of the unit so getting it clear of the case will enable you to take it
to the bench for repair.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Paul-Ernest Livesque" <pelevesque@globetrotter.net>
To: <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Sent: Monday, January 07, 2008 1:43 PM
Subject: [Spits] Differential front casing removal on MK3, 1970

> Hello   My Differential is making noise when cold, I looking to overhaul
it. I am under the impression that I can overhaul by removing only the front
casing, of the differential after disconnecting the shaft going to the
wheels on a proper car lift. Can it be done,? or do really have to remove
the complete differential with the rear casing, which involve much more work
> The mechanic man is telling me that the Crown and Pin sound O.K. but the
bearings seem to make the noise. That I will know later, I think.
> Except the Crown and Pin which parts should I order in addition of the
bearings?, Shims of different thickness ?
> Any advice will be appreciate
> Have a nice day
> P-Ernest

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