I used my digital camera(name forgets me now, I'm at work), with its camcorder
mode. I do have a tripod, but not sure if I can get it to record hands-free.
IIRC, it records for as long as you hold down the button, but I can try a few
experiments. The sound quality is a surprise since I'm assuming there's just a
barebones mic in it(being just a digicam). If i had a remote starter, hmm..
Perhaps next time I'll mount the laptop with the Intel PC Pro webcam(best image
quality ever) and do a longer recording. I won't be able to get accurate
recordings since my tachometer is still loopy.
> Cool, very nice.
> If you could mount the camera on a tripod and then do the slow and fast
> accelerations with the video of the colour changes it would be perfect and
> for those that can't get it to work.
> What did you use to make the video? The picture was really clear and the sound
> was pretty good..