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RE: flashers/indicators unit

To: <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: RE: flashers/indicators unit
From: <ralemen@cableone.net>
Date: Mon, 3 Feb 2003 09:49:42 -0700
Richard, Robert, et al.

Thanks for the replies - interesting only UK ones (so far) .......
Can't contribute that to the time zone and folks being home from work.

I think my unit is round, but it hangs down way at the bulkhead rather than at 
the dash. Maybe it's supposed to be square and that's why the PO never clipped 
it in. 

I think it will still mean an upside down search tonight with the lamp anyway. 



p.s. forgot to mention with teh new fuel pump - garage no longer stinks of 
petrol (gas) - not the best think with the  furnace (UK guys, I can't call it a 
boiler as it's air heating over here and they don't use a balanced flue)  in 

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