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Re: It's still alive (sort of)

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: It's still alive (sort of)
From: Michael Hargreave Mawson <OC@46thFoot.com>
Date: Tue, 8 May 2001 19:17:18 +0100
In article <"001C83AF7EC4303B*/c=us/admd=  /prmd=Cat/o=NOTES/s=Gosling/g
=Richard/i=B/"@MHS>, Richard B Gosling <Gosling_Richard_B@perkins.com>
>Brian Wrote:
>...it was so hip to take my 13 yo son and then my 6 yo son for short rides, top
> down of course, on a cloudless, azure sky. Not too shabby.
>and Ray wrote:
>...I took my 9 year old daughter out for a glorious ride from our house to the
> Texas Motor Speedway.
>You don't even have to be that old to appreciate a Spitfire...
>My daughter is almost 20 months old...
>she has started to prefer Daffy to my wifes car ('88 Audi 100 Quattro
> Avant) - when we go out to drive somewhere she always walks towards Daffy and
> stands expectantly beside the passenger door, and has even cried a little when
> led by the hand towards Quentin (Quentin the Quattro!) instead.

>Then it came to me - the change has co-incided with me picking her up from
> nursery a few times with the top down!  Even at that age, my daughter loves
> roof-less motoring!

The first few times I collected Charles (now aged five and one month)
from school, he would greet me with, "Oh, no!   Not the SPITFIRE!!"
This was back in February.

Then I took him for a spin with the top down.   His former predilection
for "the white car" (a dirty great Saab) has evaporated!

Michael Hargreave Mawson, author of "Eyewitness in the Crimea,"
published by Greenhill Books on 28th March, 2001:

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