Laura was the first to ask, WRT my adventures
with a leaking radiator whilst in pursuit
of fair maiden:
>> plus the fact that I was on the way to a hot date with a woman
>> who was teaching for a year in an underserved community, made
>> me dump the contents of the bottle in the radiator.
>So, was the date worth it?
Another response, via direct email, was a bit more
direct: "What happened to the girl?"
I had to laugh - while the men online only considered
the problems of radiators and Stop Leak, the women
were quick to key in on the _real_ crux of the
narrative - the hot date in question.
Quick story - yes the date was worth it but we
ended up as "just friends" (which is possible
if you're both adults) not long afterwards.
A year or so passes and she decides that being
a poor teacher in a rural community might be
noble and all, but being married to a wealthy
older lawyer was Much Better, especially since
he had a vacation home in Vail.
I declined the invite to the wedding but sent
a very nice gift. Haven't heard from her since.
My '72 Spit is still with me.
Ken Strayhorn
Hillsborough NC