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Re: On MailList politics and knowing who's ones friends are...

To: "Joe Curry" <spitlist@gte.net>,
Subject: Re: On MailList politics and knowing who's ones friends are...
From: "Jeff McNeal" <jmcneal@ohms.com>
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 08:59:48 -0700
----- Original Message -----
From: Joe Curry <spitlist@gte.net>
To: Richard B Gosling <Gosling_Richard_B@perkins.com>
Cc: Laura.G <Laura.G@141.com>; spitfires <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2000 8:24 AM
Subject: Re: On MailList politics and knowing who's ones friends are...

> Richard B Gosling wrote:
> >
> > Joe, Laura, and all others out there,
> >
> > Having delved a little further through my bulging in-box, it would
appear (from
> >  a letter sent by Joe to Paul forwarded to the list by Brad) that it was
> >  Joe, who has upset Laura so badly.
> >
> Yep, I confess it was me!!!!
> > Joe, you seem to think that Laura over-reacted to the comments you made,
> >  that her reaction was unjustified and over the top.  Possibly so, from
> >  point of view.  However, some people are more sensitive than others.
If you
> >  do not know someone well, you should assume they are sensitive, and
> >  making un-necessarily provocative comments, until you know them better
> >  know that they can take it - that is common good manners.  Maybe you
feel that
> >  you know Laura well enough through the list that you can make these
comments -
> >  if so, you have mis-judged her, as we all have seen (before this
> >  that her feelings can be hurt.
> Not only did she over-react, but she took a previously private
conversation to the list in an order to personally hurt me and although
> didn't specifically mention my name, made it perfectly clear who she was
referring to. (She cleverly mentioned "currying favor" twice
> in the message... very clever indeed).  My personal exchange with her was
in an effort to make her realize that few list members
> actually buy that load of crap that she is peddling and that people were
snickering behind her back every time she brings it up.  The
> only way she could ever hope to quell this snickering is to either prove
it (which she has indicated she will not do) or stop it all
> together.
> No guy on any of these lists could ever expect to get away with such
unsubstantiated claims and She will not either.  Time for another
> clich�. "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen."
> >
> > It was not so long ago that you managed to get quite upset when Graham
> >  questioned your summary of Spitfire chassis numbers in the pages of the
> >  Triumph magazine - you are not so thick-skinned yourself.  I detect a
level of
> >  male chauvinism in your assumption that, because Laura owns, drives,
> >  enjoys her Spitfire, that that should make her 'one of the guys', and
> >  therefore able to take the level of verbal brawling that a bunch of
> >  sometimes indulge in away from female company.  Why should a sensitive
> >  not be allowed to enjoy a Spitfire, and share her enthusiasm with us,
> >  having to suppress her femininity and her own character - or indeed a
> >  sensitive man, not all of us have elephant hide for skins?
> Sorry man, but you have that 180 degrees backwards.  It was Graham that
got upset because I questioned his numbers that were quoted in
> some TSSC article.  Actually, the figures were not attributed to him at
all but later it was revealed that they were his and came from
> the BMIHT archives.  IN fact, the information was indeed wrong, or poorly
presented so that it was misleading.  Check with Sue
> Huneybell and she will confirm this.
> As for Male Chauvinism, it doesn't apply here.  In fact, if anything, it
is poor Laura who wants a double standard.  SHe wants to throw
> out all sorts of unsubstantiated claims without being required to "put up
or shut up".  The unstated rule that applies to male bravado
> says that if you say it you must be able to prove it.  Laura does not want
to be bound by any such trivial rule.
> >
> > As an aside, I never, detected any excessive bravado or bragging from
> >  beyond obvious enthusiasm for her car.  As she may not be one of the
> >  technical amongst us, I would not expect her to have to prove herself,
> >  Nigel, with more technical details of him than she already has.  If you
> >  been suggesting that she must race her car, which she does not want to
do, in
> >  order to prove herself or her car, then I am afraid that is something
> >  should have grown out when you were 20.  However, even if there had
been any
> >  unnecessary bragging, I would have hoped that you would have had the
> >  sensitivity to avoid upsetting someone who most of us call a friend.
If you
> >  do not count the other list members (at least those who contribute
> >  as your friends then that is sad.
> If you haven't noticed any bravado, you must not have been paying
attention.  In the past months her engine has been said to have all
> the way from 125 HP tp well over 140 HP and the engine (starting out as a
1500) mow is almost 1600 cc, runs all day at well over 100
> mph and passes California emissions with ease.  Somehow the figures don't
add up.
> >
> > I offered to support Laura in any attempt to expel those she felt had
made her
> >  unwelcome in this community.  That offer still stands.  However, I
would be
> >  very sad to see Joe go:  as one of the most knowledgeable and dedicated
> >  amongst us, keeper of the register, and a regular contributor, he is a
> >  valuable person to have around.  Much better to apologise - even if it
is just
> >  for your insensitivity, and not your views - and we can all get back to
> >  friends.  Even if you feel in yourself you have done nothing wrong,
> >  anyway - is it really worth that little bit of hurt pride to lose Laura
> >  this list forever?  Even if they were not intended them that way, your
> >  comments clearly were hurtful - Laura would still be around if they
were not.
> I don't want to drive anyone off the list either but I do think that
anyone who chooses to spout "Facts and Figures" ought to know that
> if they can't (or won't) be substantiated, people will likely not believe
them.  THat goes for guys and gals alike.
> >
> > Some may feel that I am getting involved in something that is not my
> >  that is between Laura and Joe.  That is mostly true, but I am affected,
> >  if Laura is driven from this list, then I lose a friend - that is when
> >  becomes my business too.
> It started out that way, but Laura's message to the list unfortunately
brought everyone into the frey.
> Regards,
> Joe

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