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RE: RHD headlight questions

To: "'Jeff McNeal'" <jmcneal@ohms.com>, spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: RE: RHD headlight questions
From: "Mitchell, Douglas (D.B.)" <dmitchel@ford.com>
Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2000 07:59:13 -0400

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeff McNeal [mailto:jmcneal@ohms.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2000 1:57 AM
> To: spitfires@autox.team.net
> Subject: RHD headlight questions
> I've seen comments on the list before about how RHD 
> headlights "dip" to the
> left.  Is that why most of the light from my headlights is 
> concentrated on
> the left side of the road while I'm driving?  Is it possible 
> to simply re-aim
> my headlights with the adjusters or do I need to replace the 
> lamps in order
> to align them for U.S. roads?

The pattern by default dips right on the RHD headlamps. This is
to say that the pattern will be higher on the left. Caution,
poor ASCII art follows:  ___
                            \___.  Left hand drive is more like

So, yes it is why the light is concentrated to the left. And no,
you can't really re-align the lights to eliminate it. Your best
bet is to buy some US spec headlamps (either sealed beam or not).
I am surprised that no one has ever replaced them before this.

> Also, I've noticed that when using the flasher, the low beams 
> stay on and
> the high beams engage, making for a brighter output than when 
> the high beams
> are turned on alone.  Any way to rig up a switch that will 
> keep both low and
> high beams on for those occasions where I'm driving in areas without
> streetlights and little or no oncoming traffic?

One of the problems with doing this is that you could be putting
too much of a load on your generator/alternator. You would be better
off replacing the lamps with a halogen Cibie or Marchal or Lucas
unit. I have had Lucas H4 halogen in my Spit since about 1978,
and I think they are great. Hey, it is an attempt to keep my
British car all British. (poor take off on the Keep your GM car
all GM advert).

Hope this helps.

Doug Mitchell

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