That does sound romantic!
Way back when, I dated a fellow in Colorado who had a Spitfire-October, in the
Rockies-top down, going to the Drive-in...or we'd go up one of the dirt roads
that overlooked the Springs, all bundled up in down sleeping bags and the
makings for screw-drivers -top down and stay up there all night listening to
the radio...those were the days!
Of course, he was from Northern Michigan, so our Colorado Springs winters were
nothing for him!
Laura G.
>From: "Banbury, Terrence" <>
>Date: Mon, 15 May 2000 17:06:51 -0400
> "'Fred Griffiths'"
> <>
>Subject: RE: Spitfires in Alaska
>Sounds like the kind anti-wuss that Laura G. needs to meet! Top down in a
>blizzard, looking for the Aurora Borealis. How romantic...;-)
>Terry Banbury
>> ----------
>> From: Fred Griffiths[]
>> Reply To: Fred Griffiths
>> Sent: Monday, May 15, 2000 4:22 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Spitfires in Alaska
>> Hi all,
>> just got back from a cruise Vancouver, BC to Juneau AK and a few other
>> ports. Great weather for the one day we were in Juneau, in fact
>> Spitfire driving weather!
>> Which brings me to the point - who would own a Spitfire in Juneau Alaska
>> where they tell me it rains 200 inches a year? Rain on 200 days a year,
>> and cold the rest! And the only way to get a vehicle in or out of the
>> city is by ocean going barge for a 3 day trip from Seattle, WA. Maybe
>> in a container, not the way we saw pickup trucks lashed onto the top of
>> containers stacked 4 high on an open barge.
>> But I did see a very nice Spitfire tooling along, top down. Wish I
>> could have met the guy and chatted with him.
>> We did see Miattas, Corvettes, etc, but a Spitfire - Boy, that must turn
>> heads in Juneau.
>> Cheers, Fred
>> --
>> Fred & Wendy Griffiths,
>> Calgary, Canada
>> <a
>> mailto: