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VTR Portland

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: VTR Portland
From: Mark J Bradakis <mjb@autox.team.net>
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2000 01:10:12 -0600 (MDT)
There's been a bit of traffic on the VTR admin list about a snafu with
the Portland convention flyers and the latest "The Vintage Triumph" mailing.
What fun.  But it did prompt me to actually look at a calendar and think
about travel dates.  If you are planning on coming in on some route that
puts you in the vicinity of Salt Lake City, you may want to make note of
this.  If you'd like to stop by and say hello, or chew me out for being such
a useless list master, you'll have to do it the evening of July 31st.  On
tuesday morning, August 1st, I plan on striking out for the great northwest,
hoping to make about 500 miles that day. That would put my wife Karen and I in
La Grande, Oregon, that evening, for a stay at Stange Manor Bed & Breakfast.
I better dig up their phone number to make sure they are still around.  We
stayed there on the trip to the Seattle VTR meet a few years back, it was a
great place.

>From there, given a decent starting time, the remaining few hundred miles
can be covered at a rate to put us at the convention site early wednesday
afternoon.  Time to register, freshen up, check out the parking lot and
hit the welcome party.

At this point, not sure if I'll have another car ready to take besides the
Killer Spit, so don't know if I'll need driving assistance.  We'll see
how much I get done this spring.


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