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RE: Gettin' 'er Fired UP!

To: "'Atwell Haines'" <carbuff@nac.net>,
Subject: RE: Gettin' 'er Fired UP!
From: "Greg Hendrix" <gahendrix@att.net>
Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2000 22:59:36 -0500


Thank you for the info. This is what I was looking for (the carb

Yes, it is fresh gasoline. I removed the tank and drained it dry, blew the
lines clear, cleared the fuel pump, and installed a new fuel filter.

No, the air cleaner is not on. It is a manual choke.

FWIW, I NOW have the recurring problem of turning the key and.......silence.
Nothing. Nada. Zilch. This is how my day Saturday started before I decided
to replace the coil. I know that the coil wouldn't prevent the starter from
turning (would it?!? Geez, I'm getting to wonder what I DO know!).

Am I right in beginning to suspect the ignition switch?

Also, FWIW, this thing has a Lucas breakerless point system on it that's
powered from the lugs on the coil. The only other connection there appears
to go to the ignition switch.

Any additional insight would be much appreciated. The Prince strikes back.

Greg Hendrix
Downingtown, PA
'74 Spitfire (in traction and on a respirator)

 -----Original Message-----
From:   Atwell Haines [mailto:carbuff@nac.net]
Sent:   Sunday, March 05, 2000 2:42 PM
To:     Greg Hendrix; Spitfire List (E-mail); Triumph List (E-mail)
Subject:        Re: Gettin' 'er Fired UP!

At 12:58 PM 03/04/00 -0500, Greg Hendrix wrote:
>I just rebuilt my ZS carb on my '74 Spitfire and I'm up against at least a
>couple of odds.

If it's "odd" you're looking for, you've come to the right place...

>First, I don't have a clue where to start with settings. ...I'll be
>doggoned if I can find where
>to set the idle screw, etc.

If your ZS carb has the adjustable needle, set it so that the needle 'base'
is flush with the bottom of the air piston.  [Fully clockwise until a
resistance is felt = full rich, fully lean (where the needle holder falls
out of the air piston) is about 5 1/2 turns CCW from there.]

>Second, when I turn the engine over, I'm not convinced that I'm getting
>spark at the plugs. They looked pretty wet when I pulled them (after it
>wouldn't start).

What type of choke do you have?  (manual or water-actuated)  If the choke
is allowing too much gas into the carb you will see it from a bore
(drilling) just inboard and to the rear of the air piston.

If you continue to have too much gas in the combustion chambers (it _IS_
fresh gas I hope, not the stuff that's been in the tank for years)
double-check the float level and needle cleanliness.

PS is the air cleaner installed?  If so verify that you got the gaskets
right way 'round! (Can't cover up the port for the top of the diaphragm.)

Good luck, let us know how you progress.

Atwell Haines
'79 Spitfire (Which wouldn't start after restoration because the exhaust
pipe was plugged up with rodent fuzz!)
Succasunna, NJ USA

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