Since I decided to squawk about my dissatisfaction with being overcharged
and receiving misrepresented goods by Rimmer Bros., I feel that it's only
fair to post a follow up and let others know that they have in fact, made
good on both counts to my satisfaction. Rather than eat the return shipping
charges for the dash facia, they are simply writing it off and refunding my
purchase price in full (�45.09), plus adding the �10 discount that I didn't
receive plus the �10 that I was overcharged for shipping, for a total credit
of �65.09 to my Visa card.
In my opinion, they have absolutely done the right thing and in so doing,
have assured themselves of my future business, which will probably be quite
significant. I sincerely hope that they correct their next Spitfire
catalogue and include an accurate description and/or correct photos of the
parts they are selling, since in the long run, it can end up costing them
profits -- not to mention customers.
I am completely satisfied with their response and would not discourage
anyone from ordering accessories from Rimmer Bros., but if it's a question
of fit or finish, then those issues should be clearly defined before the
purchase. For the benefit of those not familiar with my original problem,
the dash facia insert that I ordered for my early Mk3 Spitfire in no way
resembled the wood grain or finish of the original item, which was pictured
prominently in the catalogue.
Best wishes,
Jeff in San Diego
'67 RHD Spitfire Mk3
P.S. Here's another tip: Should you call Rimmer's export order line
outside of the U.K., be prepared to limit your comments and be concise --
their answering machine will cut you off after about :30.