Thanks to all on the list who helped me with my recent problem with the
reverse on my mk3 gearbox, especially Bill, Joe, Tom, John and John.And
Ted, who sent out the part I needed. The problem appeared to have been
started by the welded-on nut (boss) on the lever becoming loose and
allowing too much slop (stress) on the pin, with the pin finally
breaking. This would explain why the PO said it would pop out of
reverse.What I found was the lever just sitting up against the inside of
the case with no damage to� any other components. I'm not sure when it
actually broke, as I just aquired the car recently from it's 16 year
rest in a garage in Boston, but it was probably during the transport of
the car. All of you who responded to my problem questioned whether the
pin and lever would be able to be installed with the gearing intact.
Well, it wouldn't !!!� HOWEVER, I didn't use the pin, but opted instead
to insert a 3/8 nf X 3/8 nc stud from the outside with a nut on the
inside and outside of the case to lock things into place, and secured
with� high-strength locktite. I didn't like the feeling that I was doing
a rube goldberg fix but reasoned that apparently the factory way didn't
hold up too well, anyway. Long story shortened....after 4 months of
working on it I took it off the stands just long enough to blast down
the street and back today. What a rush!!! Now It's back on the stands as
I found I need an angle drive for the speedometer cable. Fortunately, I
hadn't installed all the carpet or interior before testing things out.
This whole project is being made possible by the information I get off
this list and the archives. Thanks, Folks
Kevin D. Thompson
1970 mk3 Spitfire
the resurrection is at hand