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RE: ? Motor oil usage in manual trannys

To: "'Barry Schwartz'" <bschwart@pacbell.net>, triumphs@autox.team.net
Subject: RE: ? Motor oil usage in manual trannys
From: Davies William-qswi646 <QSWI646@email.mot.com>
Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 16:14:44 +0100
        I fully agree with what you are saying - in fact I mentioned the
engine oil being specified on MGs (and other BMC products) earlier in this
thread. As something of an aside, MG gearboxes have always seemed more
robust (particularly in the synchromesh department) than any Triumph I have
ever driven!
        Of course engine oil was the only option in the case of the
transverse engines with integral gearboxes (and differentials) which
proliferated throughout BMC/BLMH in the sixties & seventies. So that covers
Minis, Maxis, Landcrabs, 1100/1300 variants - a large family of succesful
(though many of them somewhat dull) vehicles. I guess that these being
somewhat unusual in America, few are aware of their existance, let alone
what lubricated their gears! 
        Finally, don't put sawdust in your gearbox, nylon tights are much
better at keeping them quiet,
                Bill Davies

> I believe that the motor oil usage, related to British cars 
> in general,
> stems from those who have or have had MG's.  Certain models 
> of MG's (* see
> below) use regular motor oil in the transmission, which is 
> (also I believe)
> specified in the service manual, for use in those trannys.  
> (those who own
> MG's can validate that for me, and we KNOW who you are. . .:-})
>      However there may be specific differences which allow it's use in
> those boxes.  

                            This Message sent by: 
   /                  \     William Davies 
  /                    \    Total Triumph Enthusiast 
 __ __________________ __ 
/  \  ______  ______  /  \  1959 Herald 948 Coup� Y128
\__/  \     ||     /  \__/  1959 Herald 948 Coup� 
|    A \____||____/ A    |  1959 Herald 948 Saloon
| =  H              H  = |  1960 Herald 948 Saloon Export 
=====U==============U=====  1961 Herald 'S'
\________________________/  1964 Herald 1200 Saloon 
 | |                  | |   1970 Spitfire MkIII
 |_|                  |_|   1973 Spitfire MkIV
                            1959 Standard Atlas Pickup

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