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RE: might be moving to nebraska (OT)

To: Michael Burdick <burdick@abacus.mc.duke.edu>
Subject: RE: might be moving to nebraska (OT)
From: larry hooven <dirty_howi@yahoo.com>
Date: Fri, 30 Jul 1999 12:28:01 -0700 (PDT)
the problem with the title is there isn't one...i have the last registration on
the car with the owners signature and all, but the car has been off the road
for so long that it fell out of the computer...and i haven't had a chance to
call the sherrif to come over and look at it...so if all i need is the
commision number from the spit then that's fine..i even have my bmiht cert that
matches all the numbers on the car. (all original casings at least ;)).  the
reason i asked about smog is i wanted to put a buick/rover or similar v-8 into
the spit, but here in california it's more of a heartache than it's worth. 
even tho i don't live in a "dyno" area...was going to couple that to a modern 5
speed o/d tranny...the job is in lindsay nebraska, sort of between lincoln and
omaha and to the east, as far as i can tell, lindsay is closer to omaha than
lincoln and a club to belong to would be great...i dont' have anything like
that here close enough to me that i could attend meetings and such.

--- Michael Burdick <burdick@abacus.mc.duke.edu> wrote:
> Hi Larry,
> I lived in Omaha for 7 years, but just moved to NC recently.  Regarding
> your questions:
> > I might have an opportunity to move to nebraska with an excellent job
> > opportunity there in...i just had the basic questions regarding smog laws,
> No smog laws.  No smog problem with the winds they get!
> What were your questions about titling?  They do require that you get
> the VIN verified before you can title a car in the state.  I believe the
> county
> sheriff's offices take care of this.  In Omaha, they had a county run
> garage that did nothing but inspect VINs - they make sure it matches
> the number on the out-of-state title.
> Do you have OD?  The speed limit is 75 on the interstate!  There is a
> Triumph club in the eastern part of the state (Omaha-Lincoln-Western
> Iowa mainly) - a good group of people.  Let me know if you want a contact
> for the club.
> Good luck with your move,
> Mike Burdick
> Durham NC
> '70 Spit (with OD)

larry (I hope someday to Drive my triumph) hooven 1979 spitfire fm99248u, 
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